The receiver was my intro to HiFi! What say you?


When I got out of college and bought my first "nice" stereo, all I could afford was a pioneer SX780 and some junky speakers.  Eventually I bought a pair of Mirage M3si but my budget started to be stretched for other things, rock climbing gear, triathlon, travel, etc and the stereo was very mid-fi until a few years ago.


great memories yogiboy

this photo from the article shows the summation of the wars, look at the size of these beasts

My 1st ’real’ audio system included Fisher’s 220T Receiver, got it in 1967

We had $500. wedding money, went to Sam Goody’s, got this Receiver and Audio Research AR-2ax speakers and a TT of some sort.

Ransacked, Speakers Stolen, ’missed most’ discussion here, I restored 2 pairs, one in my office. I highly recommend them to anyone wanting a true bookshelf speaker