Is There a New Record Pressing Machine Out There?

I bought Wilco's newest Album "Cousin" yesterday and noticed something I have never seen before, the record has no lip. The label area remains raised but otherwise the record is dead flat. It is a very heavy record, probably 200 gm. I believe records had the lip to prevent the tonearm from floating off the edge with changers which were way more popular than manuals back in the 40s, 50s and early 60's. With manuals the flat record is easier to cue by hand. 


@gkelly Great find! It is interesting that they are having trouble finding a suitable substitute for PVC. All the suitable plastics are just as toxic. PVC is ubiquitous and very durable. Finding a better material is going to be very tough. 

The "no lip" LP is called a "flat profile", and was introduced back when Classic Records was in business. At least that is my understanding.

@bdp24 I recently recorded to hard drive the Classic Records 45 RPM Led Zeppelin box set. I do not recall the records having a flat profile, but maybe that came along after the set was published. There is an advantage to the flat profile and that is the record is nicer to cue manually. The stylus falls into the groove without skipping down the lip which sounds annoying. Since none of us use changers anymore the flat profile makes sense. The size of your mat would not matter either.