Audio Racks, Just How beneficial? looking for guidance in upgrading

Greetings all. Looking for guidance and your experience in racks & shelves for the ’sweet spot’ and upgrading. Do you find that applying a percentage of your total system’s value of perhaps 5% or even 10% is a good metric? Do you folks find that some of the leading Audio Rack companies, like HRS, CMS for ex., which seem great but is it beneficial to warrant spending well over $15k , $10k + or $5K on vibration isolation for a mid level system. Racks are really hard to demo; I’m reaching out to Audiogon community.

I’m trying to get my arms around some of the price points and the cost/benefits.
Anyone find wood is sonically better?
Doesn’t seem to be that much between A/V furniture manufactures and the better companies. Prefer a Modular approach like Bassoconuinuo- (anyone have it? I haven’t priced it yet.) or adjustable shelves. (not that keen on Solid Steel).
I need 6 shelves including top for turntable.
Currently have a BDI with glass shelves; using still points, or BDR cones, maple butcher blocks. Yes, I know the glass shelves...have to go.


You might consider looking through the virtual systems to see what others are using under their turntables that would meet your esthetic needs.

As long as you have a stable platform that doesn't move or vibrate you won't need a $12,000 one. It's not to say you don't need good footing on your components.

Very beneficial.  Cannot be overstated.  Progression from old Target stands to Quadraspire SVT to Quadraspire Reference X has not only solidified my belief in their value, but also their value for each component stationed on top.

I've no TT, so step back from that.  I will confirm that each component benefitted.

My wife's system (Rega Apollo R CD, Mojo Mystique' 3 DAC, Luxman 509X integrated) initially set up on an IKEA bench.  Sounded really good.  Then planted everything on a Quadspire SVT stand.  Remarkable improvement.  Dynamics, attack, separation of voices and instruments, blacker sound stage, all improved dramatically.  It becomes a question of how much improvement, not if.

BTW, ATC SCM 20 monitors are on Sound Anchor stands with Herbies Fat Dots. Again, a real improvement from Sound Organization massed with sand/shot.

Enjoy your journey to audio Nirvana.

I have had for a number of years a steel rack(s) (I think it was made by Solid Steel).

It has modular shelfs with each steel shelve able to insert into the next and has spikes on each wooden shelve. The rack can go as high as you want. The configuration I am now using is 2 racks with 3 shelves each. One rack for my video the other for my audio. See my system page.

Under all of my components I have the Critical Mass footers. (They really make a huge sonic improvement.


blue_strat, Arnold Marr (Core Audio Designs) is actually making a 6 (2x3) shelf audio rack for me. Suggest you reach out to Arnold to get a copy of the drawing.