Streamer Upgrade Bluesound Node To Aurender N10

Just got into streaming via a Bluesound Node running Tidal and Qobuz, streaming from an iPad Air via wifi. Very impressed by the simplicity, convenience, incredible choice of music and sound quality. My question is; if I replace the Bluesound Node with an Aurender N10 will there be a noticeable difference in SQ?

Rest of the system is a McIntosh C52 pre amp, MC312 power amp and Magico A5 speakers. I feed the digital optical output from the Bluesound Node to the C52. A/D conversion is done in the C52. If I do upgrade to the Aurender N10, what is the best way to connect the system together? A/D in the Aurender N10 or C52, type of cable connection between the two units etc?


drmuso, from what I can remember, it was an N130. Re the Aurender app, once I got used to it, easy to use and worked well, no issues for me,

we would recommend looking at a 432 evo for a number of reasons


one we easily better a node:,background%2C%20bass%20articulation%20and%20impact.


second we are very well received by the press:

We better the aurender n20 there is a post here of a n20 user who brought over his n20band preferred the 432evo.


we did a shoot out against a $25k Innous statement and the Aeon sounded just as good.


We are modular and upgradable. platform we allow upgrading from model to model and can be improved when new parts become available..




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I have the latest Bluesound Node, I run an Ethernet cable direct to it and use it as a streamer only, via coax into my dac.  I am hard pressed to find much difference between streaming vs the same music off the actual CD. It’s like six of one, half dozen of the other,  sometimes I think the CD is a touch better, other times the streamed version, depending on the music. I have been wondering as a streamer only, how much difference there would actually be between the $700 Node and a $7000 streamer like an Aurender for example. If the streamed signal  is already very close to the actual CD, is spending that much more money going to be  actually better than the CD? To me this seems impossible. If it is better, how much better can it possibly be considered the cost of the upgrade?  To me it would make more sense to invest the money in other parts of the system like speakers for example.  I know the Node is not considered high end but the question still remains how much better can it get spending that much on a streamer only?

@arnold_h Given that you cannot distinguish performance differences between the Node and CD playback, I am curious as to what you’re using throughout your system. I see that you haven’t posted a virtual system in your profile. Could you list it out for us here?

Even if you have a semi–decent CD player, you should be able to tell the difference in fidelity between the two. if not, it is likely not prudent for you to pursue a more sophisticated streamer at this time and instead look at either how your system is configured and positioned or into the components in the system that may be causing a bottleneck in performance. Once you have that sorted, and your system is more highly resolving and distinguishable between sources, then it makes more sense to invest in a higher quality, streamer. 

I am streaming the Node into the dac of a Oppo 205 universal player directly into a Peachtree Audio Gan 400 amp and currently using Magnepan LRS speakers and a subwoofer. The system is quite revealing as far as changes in cables and different recordings. But IMO the dac used is likely the biggest factor in how resolving a system is. The Oppo 205 is a very good player, not top of the heap, state of the art but still a good player/dac nonetheless. The LRS are very good speakers also. Unless you are running the streamer through a $20,000 dac is there really any point to buying a streamer worth several thousand dollars.  In my case I believe spending a few thousand dollars to upgrade to higher model of Magnepan speakers would be money more well spent than upgrading the streamer.