Are You a Swifty?

I am. I think she's great.

And You?


She seems like a cool girl but musically speaking not my cuppa but she is certainly a lot of peoples.

she seems to be a generous and genuinely good-hearted human being who puts on a great concert and as far as I can tell deserves her success.  If there were more people like her the world would be a much better place.

Well said and completely agree. My wife turns it up when comes to Taylor Swift. I have no problem leaning into it, especially if the windows are rolled down with the sunroof open on a Spring afternoon. 

So I’m a fan but I don’t listen to any of her music. Just follow her dominance of pop culture at the moment.

She seems genuinely nice and decent. Don't dislike her music necessarily, but I'm mos def with the "cue Joni" crowd.  

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