The Psychology of Constant (Equipment) Change

Anybody have an answer?

I have a decent selection of preamps, amps, integrateds and speakers to choose from and I find myself swapping out gear constantly.  And it's not because anything sounds bad.  Quite contrary, really.

After most swapping sessions, I'm generally really satisfied and quite enjoy the sound quality.  But within a few weeks I'm swapping stuff out again.

What would be the diagnosis for my condition?



when an audio system is not well under acoustic, mechanical or electrical control by the owner ....


Then the "many reference point" need to be acoustic parameters not branded name products mainly save if instead of creating an audiophile experience you want to sell gear pieces as solution😁...

You seem to be real confused again 😖...Irrespective of whatever "acoustic/mechanical/electrical control" you acheived/tweaked away as an "owner"...well, you, didn’t really achieve a whole lot there because it’s the soundfield produced by a speaker that interfaces with the room before it hits a listener’s physicality.

For instance, that soundfield is drastically different for different types of speakers. For example, a large PA horn and a smaller concentric driver design tend to be drastically different in that manner. Whatever "acoustic/mechanical/electrical control" you achieved got thrown out the window (start all over again) when a drastically different speaker showed up.

The multiple reference points are directly tied to the gear! The "acoustic parameters" change each time for everyone, except for the 1 trick pony.

The multiple reference points are directly tied to the gear! The "acoustic parameters" change each time for everyone, except for the 1 trick pony.


First you cannot know the optimal working level of a system BEFORE experimenting with it, you must chose one to begin with and using all parameters to install optimally it in the house/room.. This is the learning path .

We learn by using one system and experiment with it in the mechanical, electrical and acoustical working dimension and their possible acoustics parameters.

( acoustics with an "s" is more than just room acoustic i modified my speakers porthole and waveguide with acoustic basic knowledge and i used crosstalk physical and psychoacoustical fact to improve my listening experience the same is true for timbre, ASW and LV as evaluated not only in the room acoustic but in regard to mechanical and electrical and modified gear factors because all factors are interrelated etc )

Then changing the gear pieces BEFORE learning basic knowledge with a system  which is already minimally good and synergetical to begin with  and chosen as a starting point is an ERROR ...

When we had learned how to install one we can install any other is time to invest more money...


Then what i just explain here invalidate your point about me...

Anybody knows that all pieces of gear speakers included act with different design idea and different specs ... So what ?

How this cliche can invalidate my argument that we must learn acoustics with an "s" with one chosen preferably relatively low cost system BEFORE upgrading to very high end ?😊



I believe we can contain our main systems that we enjoy and keep, while building or acquiring secondary components to try for curiosity reasons, too. No big deal.

@mahgister I used to read your comments. Since you openly advertised you pro-Putin, pro-war agenda, I just scroll over them. Saves me a lot of time as well.

What would be the diagnosis for my condition?

too much money, too much time. Those are good things to have, enjoy!