What do you like to see included in a manufacturer's website?

We are currently rebuilding our website to include more information, new models, accessories and pricing. What do you like to see included in a manufacturer's website?



  • a grid of products. Grid meaning, I know which way is up, lower quality to better, smaller to bigger size, by function, by room, by user. Some sites do it well
  • a 2 click access: access to any part of the web site from another, that’s just prudent UX
  • information on top of or linked from the top of the page. Look at most speaker web sites, horrible 10 page scroll of meaningless drone shots before any useful info
  • comparable list of features: many speaker web sites list ABC for one speaker and ACD for another very confusing
  • photos of each side and in context (next to "something", and for extra, photos in a system
  • btw I rated speaker web sites here, after spending about 400 hours collecting data from them - here speakerchoices.com - because they made my life miseable
  • options and recommendations for e.g. vibration control, placement, room size, amp size, etc.
  • company information: how old, where, why
  • bonus feature: what sets you apart