A.I. music

Possibly of interest: "the current rush to advance generative AI technology could be "spiritually, politically, and economically" corrosive. By effectively removing people, like musicians, from algorithms and tech that create new content, elements of society that were once connections between people are turned into "objects" that become less interesting and meaningful, Lanier explained.

"As soon as you have the algorithms taking music from musicians, mashing it up into new music, and then not paying the musicians, gradually you start to undermine the economy because what happens to musicians now happens to everybody later," Lanier said.

He noted that, while this year has been the "year of AI," next year the world is going to be "flooded, flooded with AI-generated music."


Off course creativity grow on recognized historical grounds and implied that every genius is seated as someone famously said on the shoulders of giants.
But reading Kuhn philosophy books, we also know that someone can came and overcome completely a standing paradigm and shift all the old traditions in a new course direction ...
In music Schoenberg did this with atonality , shifting all tonal history on its head...it was a thunder in tonal long history...
Now if we want to understand creativity in human history , we cannot reduce creativity to a false model of the brain , we cannot do that claiming that A.I. worked as the human brain. The last works of Stuart Hameroff and Anirban Bandyopadhyay for example reveal how the smaller scale of the microtubules orchestra works with a hertz band scale way larger than the electrical and chemicals activities of the neurons ( Hamreroff say ; Neurons have 12 orders of frequency dynamics in their microtubules.)
Than neural networks and llm models describe in no way how human brain works and the way our brain is rooted in the cosmos and in the life information field.
Once this is said, human creativity is linked to the history of consciousness itself, and creativity work by paradigms change. It is not at all only the results of an incremental additive process of changes in the algorythmic computations in the brain . We see it in all historical fields. continuity of a paradigm suddenly and irresistibly reversing the course of understanding .
Not only that but on a psychological levels, creativity is clearly related to altered states of consciousness. Any creative person know and experience that.
Then contradicting all that and claiming that A.I. will be more intelligent than human tomorrow is the Kurzweil propaganda for his transhumanist cult promoted by corporate powers in their race for MOLOCH control ...
A.I. did not exist right now as replacement for human intelligence , a fortiori A.I. cannot replace human wisdom in concrete decision field by playing alone for many reasons from which alignment of the A.I. with human is the biggest non resolved problem.
The greatest danger is to delegate human intelligence decisions now to this "speaking encyclopedia" which is A. I. for the time being as said Yann Le Cun in one of his tweet about chapgpt of any kind ...
The problem here is that many A.I. proponent as Kurzweil negate the spiritual existence of consciousness and do not understand that life does not result from computing models but is rooted in a conscious non algorythmic information field beyond logic, randomness or cellullar game ...
Abrupt changes of direction in history are not born from computations.nor from pure randomness. not even by adding these 2 factors.
When Boscovich genius for example created the first quantification theory of matter before Dalton, it does not explain nothing if someone say that it is only a repetition of the Democritus atom model. It is not. If it was the case Heisenberg would have never call Boscovich ,"the Leibnitz of science". he would have called it the Democritus plagiarist.... The fact that there exist archetypal metaphors about matter , as continuity or discrete models all along history dont imply that human creativity is just an incremental addition of information from the past... Claiming that is a great misunderstanding of how history of thinking and science works.
Creativity in human history is not the results of brain computations. This claim is preposterous.
Cantor set theory is born from the mystical experience and studies of Cantor who also taught theology by the way , who proposed his theory against half of europe Mathematicians willing to put him in an asylum for his spiritual  delirium very seriously. No computer could imagine from reading books on the internet about the relation between the absolute and the relative and the concept of angels hierarchies the limitation of size principle and then destructing integers arithmetic and recreating another one  in a new form . These ideas are jumps into "madness" not computations.
In the same way mystical experience of vision as Grothendieck discussing with "le bon Dieu" at night or as Ramanujan discussing and discovering deep maths formulas at night with lucid dream encounters  with the goddess Namagiri could never resulted from neural networks computations from LLM ...Computer cannot had visions and meaningful hallucinations. If it was the case no output from them will be useful. Meaningful hallucination can be used and had been used by human in all their history. Distorted A.I. "hallucinations" in desinging image are not the same "art" forms  and are not symbolic forms born from history of consciousness. 
For sure A.I. can look for a new road or a new strategy IN A FINITE GAME and beat humans. But the cosmos is not a finite game. Even if the cosmos is finite for human tools. Consciousness is not a finite game result save for uninformed Wolfram who do not takes into account anything which is not a fact comforting his materalism algorythmic belief.

«There are 12 orders of frequency and both classical and quantum information processing in neuronal and glial microtubules in each cell. We need to fully map one neuron. The brain is a quantum orchestra, not a computer of cartoon neurons.» Stuart Hameroff


This is why any model of consciousness grounded in neural network computing cannot work.. The main non algorythmic processing is INSIDE each neuron .

« What’s missing from the above picture is that neurons have thousands of internal elements called microtubules, organized in bands. They are incredibly, thin, the inner diameter is only about 10 nm (billionths of a meter).»







To me, AI is the current "pet rock." We have undergone SXSW 2024- and all the panels were devoted to this. I wouldn’t mind learning how to code in Python, only to understand the technical side better. I’ve been a copyright lawyer for more than 40 years, and to me, the legal issues are pretty straightforward, though not necessarily favorable to the rights owners of existing works that are ingested for "training." Remember Y2K? The world was going to go all SkyNet. Nothing happened. Next "new" thing. Neural networks are kind of fascinating, but I suspect the real advances will be bio-tech, not just circuitry.

For what little it is worth, one needs human authorship to claim copyright in any "AI" created work and then, only to the extent of the human contribution. 

For sure artificial biology is the next level...You are right.

Read Anirban Bandyopadhyay and my link above. He is the top expert in the world right now and incredibly not so well known. He is the father of the incoming A. C.  artificial consciousness over  simple A. I.


Neural networks are kind of fascinating, but I suspect the real advances will be bio-tech, not just circuitry

Musical notes in a musical phrase are like words. Because as language music is meaning and signification in a context.
Then music MUST be recognised by the listener , and accepted or refused, as a wrong note or the good note , not because the note is not sympathic but because the note cannot be accepted as a possibility among all notes possibles at this specific place in the melodic/harmonic tonal places of the melody playing at this moment . The listener must be surprized but he must not be shocked at each moment and derailed from any known tonal landmarks .
When we cannot recognize any note as more possible and more likely possible than any other notes then no surprize can exist... When all is imprevisible there is no more any surprize. this is the case in atonal composition.our feeling cannot guide us in the interpretation then in the meaning recognition.
In tonal history each notes is used at some specific moment with some probabilities. It all these probabilities are equal there is no surprize and no more any innovative idea. Just a soup of atonal note nobody can interpret with some specific feelings succeeding some other specific feelings...
We listen music with the potential bundle of feelings rooted in our body metabolism as well as in our musical history ...
Now suppose A. I. composing music... A.I. can imitate known styles more or less skillfully.But A. I. is not an embodied player with innate and learned feelings and emotions history, he will not be able to be creative and be able to move us as a human composer or musician can do .
We cannot fake emotions using sounds only to some limited extent . The imitation will emerge more soon than late.
Then musicians will be able to use A.I. as a tool for sure. But A.I. cannot replace human body playing an instrument and improvising emotions nor imitate  human mind writing moving music which will evoke very complex set of emotions mixed harmoniously together.
Hope and despair for example united together in a single melody with a specific succession of rythms  is not the result of a logical computation even if you mix all hope melodies together and all despair melody together and try to algorythmically to assemble a beautiful new melody  combining the two emotions with the right rythm ... Imagine now playing all the hues of this composed colored melody with two very different emotions inside ?