Inflation being tracked in the UK with vinyl records

The Office of National Statistics is now including LPs in its shopping basket' to follow inflation:


Inflation is but a subterfuge. Governments overspend, devalue the currency and then concoct BS to distract us.

That may (or may not) be so, but I thought it interesting that enough vinyl records are now being sold that they can be part of the process to track inflation.

Does the UK include food, housing and energy in the statistics? It's not included in the US inflation  index. So, of course, the actual inflation is higher because we spend the largest part of our income on these necessities. Its a way of keeping the #'s down so the people won't believe their lying eyes. 

Conspiracy theories are in conflict. Causes of inflation are very complex but cost of vinyl certainly is not a metric. In the US, costs of food, housing, and energy most certainly are used to calculate the inflation rate.,and%20services%20to%20previous%20prices.