Yamaha GT-2000 from Japan or local TD-125?

(Cross posted)

Im wondering if anyone has ordered one off Ebay.  The Japanese websites seem pretty legit. I’m really sold on these, I’d say it’s my dream table for now.


Also have a chance to pick up a fully serviced Thorens TD-125 with an SME 3009 locally.  Arm was rewired, but have not been quoted a price since the seller wants to wait until the work is complete.  I’m guessing around the same as  GT2000, likely low to mid 1k’s


Any constructive thoughts are much appreciated.


Just an update - I've negotiated for a GT-2000 for 1400 in "excellent" condition.  The pics seem to support this.  

I mentioned that I would like to take the evening to read over the details before payment.  I'm crossing my fingers that things go well from here.  

The YOP1 is an option, not a necessity.  They are usually easy to find on Japan Yahoo, if you really want one.

Thanks for the tip.  I usually just see one or 2 on eBay for $1000 or so.  I know they are not a necessity but I've heard they are pretty great to have. 

"pretty great to have".  Can you define pretty great? So far as I know it's just a bunch of extra capacitors to filter the DC that drives the motor.  You could build such an add on with modern capacitors for under $50, and the greatest expense would be for the box and the connectors to the main PS. What have you heard is improved or made better by the YOP1? I certainly could be mistaken as to the function. Incidentally, if memory serves, they are way less than $1000 on Japan Yahoo.  Search on hifi Shark, which will direct you to ones for sale on Japan Yahoo.

Yeah, I probably should have been more descriptive.  From what I have read, folks universally report a noticeably improved quality in sound with the YOP 1.  Plus the ability to bypass a step down converter.   I would have to let someone with experience chime in to add more detail.

I doubt I could build one myself.   Apparently there were very good generic versions out there for much cheaper than I have seen, but they seem to be scarce now.  

I'll be sure to check these out on Japan Yahoo like you mentioned, just to see what going prices are