Clean power and it's affect on sound quality

Been reading quite a bit about how clean power can affect sound quality by segregating the system from the dirty grid with power conditioners, high-end power cables, isolators, and even off-grid battery-powered systems.

I've noticed some changes in sound quality with regards to better power supply, especially with regards to the older house I was in vs. the newly built house I'm in now. The older home had a warmer tone due to 50 years of copper wiring being burned in. My new house is brighter because the copper wiring hasn't been burned in yet.

But one thing I also noticed is that when I recently changed the batteries in my remote controls from your typical Duracell batteries to the solar-rechargeable batteries I use now. The sound quality really improved. Dynamics were improved across the board, tonality was warmer...more golden, like a sunset vs. mid-day bright. The soundstage opened up as well with more airiness and clarity to the instrumentation regardless of my media source. I highly recommend using solar-rechargeable batteries for your remotes vs the standard OEC batteries that came with the remote. I think you'll notice a vast improvement in sound quality - being cleaner and warmer. 

Post removed 

+1 to all the great recommendations on how we can objectively improve the the subjective goal of our objective - great sound.

I think we have some opportunities to explore:

Will sound quality in your system improve with age time as the house wiring "burns in" and do breakers vs fuses affect that. My uncle’s home is completely off-grid and I would be interested in testing my system on his full solar powered home vs the nuclear vs the fossil fuel. As we all know the grid can be dirty especially when those electrons travel into our systems unabated.

As with all tweeks suggested in this thread...try it out

As @emergingsoul suggested with his golden vs black dog experiment. Would a golden doodle be better than a retriever? Does a brindle mutt result in muddy listening or a "best of" typology that pure breds can’t duplicate?

My one caution in all of this is not to smack your head as Deep_333 suggests as that may cause increased tinnitus flaring and deep cranial ringing.


I do listen to jazz.  I have even attended the New Orleans Jazz Festival twice, but its' not my go to genre.  I mainly went for the entertainment and atmosphere.  I do consider Jazz to be one of the most difficult genres to play with an instrument though.

I only have a few Jazz CD's.  Mostly Al Di Meola and Jean Luc Ponti.  Not the traditional Jazz per say but were categorized as Jazz when record store were prominent. 

As far as piano is concerned, I do like it.  My favorite is Rick Wakeman and some classics. I agree with you in that piano is very difficult to reproduce and have it sound believable (live).  These two are among my favorites.  Just plain beautiful! Rick Wakeman - Sea Horses - YouTube       Rick Wakeman - Catherine Of Aragon (

@ellajeanelle Are you talking about a remote control that you hold in your hand? Your post isn’t making sense to me, or did you add that as joke?

If you are indeed referring to batteries on handheld remote controls, that is absurd and has absolutely nothing to do with the audio quality.

ellajeanelle, haven't you read "Margins Of Reality"?  The remote is influencing the system by being influenced by @bipod72's consciousness whose consciousness prior to influencing the remote, influenced the batteries thus connecting all the influentially conscious connections into one seamless consciousness!  See?  Easypeasy.

@bipod72 rather than using Cardas Cable Oil and chanting OMs try my method of filtered bacon grease and playing prayers from the Dip tse chok ling monastery to help clear up  those masticating vibrations causing noticeable signal interferences to the auditory mechanisms attached to your cranium.  Either that or a bottle of good Scotch always works for me.

@vitussl101 Since it is my 52 birthday this weekend, I may opt for a decent bottle of bourbon for some old fashioneds but a 10yo Scotch can always tempt me for late-night listening sessions to soothe my soul.