on the cheap

I am looking for suggestions for an inexpensive streamer for my sister. I mean a couple hundred bucks. Does anybody make such a thing that would not have to be hooked up to the internet but would work via wi-fi or bluetooth? AND also have a built in dac. Stereo is not her life like some of us. The simpler the better. Would not have to be new. It would be nice also to have the ability to have cd storage. Is it also possible to not have to be run with tidal and be controlled by an app?



Can't believe how many here gave the OP a hard time about the Ethernet/WiFi connection. I know y'all know what he meant..no physical connection, WiFi. He's looking for the cheapest streaming option for his sister that is obviously no "audiophile", will probably never purchase a hi res streaming service, and no interest in an external DAC that will cost more than the streaming device. Obviously your not going to find a CD storage device, streamer, Bluetooth, DAC for under $200. She probably just needs a Bluetooth device..but since dac is needed as well a WiiM is most likely the best option. 

For your sister with no real HiFi aspirations an $80 WiiM Mini should do the trick. You could go up to the a pro at $150 for a better DAC but also rca outputs instead of the 3.5mm of the Mini. 

@mahler123 unfortunately no.  Maybe some one has heard of a model with storage in a "budget-ish" range but I can't think of any. Internal storage is normally found on some of the more or most expensive units. The next best thing I guess would be to have a streamer with a  USB port to play your downloaded/stored music files. 


the Op mentioned that his sister might want included storage.  It was unclear if he meant rip and store which bumps the price tags a few hundred bucks.  If she already has storage on a flash or separate hard drive then that wouldn’t effect the price tag