on the cheap

I am looking for suggestions for an inexpensive streamer for my sister. I mean a couple hundred bucks. Does anybody make such a thing that would not have to be hooked up to the internet but would work via wi-fi or bluetooth? AND also have a built in dac. Stereo is not her life like some of us. The simpler the better. Would not have to be new. It would be nice also to have the ability to have cd storage. Is it also possible to not have to be run with tidal and be controlled by an app?



Showing 7 responses by mahler123



From wikipedia

"Ethernet is a family of wired computer networking technologies commonly used in Local Area Networks (LAN), metropolitan area networks (MAN), and wide area networks (WAN)"


From Tech Target

"Ethernet helps plug a desktop or laptop into a LAN for speedy data transmission via cables"

Language changes over time.  These days when people say Ethernet, they are referring to having a component that is tethered to a Ethernet cable.  WiFi refers to lack of such a cable.  Whatever the definition was when you started in the IT industry back in the days of dial up modems, these definitions have evolved, as language does, over time.  If you are the only person in the room speaking pre Elizabethan English, chances are not many will understand you, even though you think you are speaking correctly.  And since absolutely everyone else here knows and accepts the common usage of the terms Ethernet and WiFi, I see no further need to discuss this with you


the Op mentioned that his sister might want included storage.  It was unclear if he meant rip and store which bumps the price tags a few hundred bucks.  If she already has storage on a flash or separate hard drive then that wouldn’t effect the price tag 

I use Bluetooth in car, with portable listening, and I also I have a Sony Bluetooth brick that I use in the kitchen, back patio, and bring occasionally on vacation.  I purchased an Audioengine Bluetooth receiver over 10 years ago for the mid Fi system in our living room that rarely gets used, primarily when one of my adult kids are over and wants to play music from their phone.

  I use AirPlay and Chromecast to stream Apple Music, both of which are better than Bluetooth.  Streaming is secondary to me vs Physical Media, but the OP said his sister would be happy with Bluetooth, as indeed most of the population is, minus those of us that post here