on the cheap

I am looking for suggestions for an inexpensive streamer for my sister. I mean a couple hundred bucks. Does anybody make such a thing that would not have to be hooked up to the internet but would work via wi-fi or bluetooth? AND also have a built in dac. Stereo is not her life like some of us. The simpler the better. Would not have to be new. It would be nice also to have the ability to have cd storage. Is it also possible to not have to be run with tidal and be controlled by an app?



Don't know why anybody would want to stream their sister...just call once and a while maybe...

@jbuhl +1

You can also explore a Blue Tooth dongle to hang off the receiver/integrated.

like this

"Stereo is not her life like some of us. The simpler the better. Would not have to be new. It would be nice also to have the ability to have cd storage. Is it also possible to not have to be run with tidal and be controlled by an app?"

She can stream her Apple music or Spotify or Pandora or whatever from her phone via Bluetooth with ease. I bought something similar for a friend who is very happy with the solution.

If I “streamed” my sister, I’d have to upgrade everything in the chain to get that much data through the pipe.