Subwoofer speed is in the room, not the box

First, if you like swarm, that’s fine, please start a thread somewhere else about how much you like swarm.

I want to talk about the impression that subs are fast or slow compared to planar or line sources.

The concern, and it’s correct, is that adding a subwoofer to say a Martin Logan or Magneplanar speaker will ruin the sound balance. That concern is absolutely a valid one and can happen with almost any speaker, not just speakers with tight dispersion control.

What usually happens is that the room, sub and main speakers aren’t integrating very well. Unfortunately for most audiophiles, it’s very hard to figure out exactly what is wrong without measurements or EQ capabilities in the subwoofer to help you.

So, there’s the myth of a small sub being "faster." It isn’t. It’s slower has worst distortion and lower output than a larger sub but what it does is it doesn’t go down deep enough to wake the dragons.

The biggest problems I’ve heard/seen have been excessively large peaks in the subwoofer range. Sometimes those peaks put out 20x more power into a room than the rest of the subwoofer. Think about that!! Your 1000 W sub is putting out 20,000 watts worth of power in some very narrow bands. Of course that will sound bad and muddied. The combination of sub and main speaker can also excessively accentuate the area where they meet, not to mention nulls.

A lot is made about nulls in the bass but honestly IMHO, those are the least of our worries. Of course too many of them can make the bass drop out, but in practicality is is the irregular bass response and the massive peaks that most prevent any good sub from functioning well in a room.

Bass traps are of course very useful tools to help tame peaks and nulls. They can enable EQ in ways you can’t do without it. If your main speakers are ported, plug them. Us the AM Acoustics room mode simulator to help you place your speakers and listening location.

Lastly, using a subwoofer to only fill in 20 Hz range is nonsense. Go big or go home. Use a sub at least at 60 Hz or higher. Use a single cap to create a high pass filter. Use EQ on the subwoofer at least. Get bass traps. Measure, for heaven’s sake measure and stop imagining you know a thing about your speaker or subwoofer’s response in the room because you don’t. Once that speaker arrives in the room it’s a completely different animal than it was in the showroom or in the spec sheet.

Lastly, if your room is excessively reflective, you don’t need a sub, you need more absorption. By lowering the mid-hi energy levels in a room the bass will appear like an old Spanish galleon at low tide.


I have had good success with 8" and 10" drivers and have no desire to go larger than that.

In many rooms that may very well be ideal.  While I could argue you'd get more out of a larger sub, there are dragons in the depths and not messing with success is a good principle to live by.


While high pass filtering is a Plus option, with an abundance of speaker amplifier power the filtering is noticeably less desirable.

Honestly disagree. There are measurements showing that less bass = less IM distortion from main speakers, and many attribute this reduced IM/doppler distortion to some of the benefits possible. I’m not sure how much of that matters, but I can say, conclusively, that the high pass filters absolutely make the main speakers sound better.

Also, as an aside, Monitor Audio recently produced a high tech speaker, not sure if it was a prototype, with woofers facing each other, so you listen at 90 degrees to their motion, and I’m convinced this is an attempt at solving that particular problem.

From a power/efficiency point of view, you are right, no reason to high pass or use active crossovers in a home environment, but if you ask me if it sounds better, I am completely convinced it does.

A couple of experiences that I found to help.

First is to identify what is fast bass? Where does this sound live? If you're looking for for bomb explosions and car crashes then 20hz is great but there isn't much of this in music. The deeper 'punch' for music lives in the 30 to 50 range. I want the woofers of my main speakers to participate. Experiments of plugging ports on main speakers has resulted in reduced excursion (restricts speaker movement) and lowered the volume output of the speaker and a LOSS of richness in mid bass. Not good. Let them remain open as they were designed to be.

As the main speaker begins to drop off around 40 to 50hz this is the area for the 'SUB' woofer to help. Again, the main speakers will handle the upper bass no problem. My experience is that the subwoofer quickly becomes excessively 'boomy' at higher crossover settings above 60hz. (this depends on your main speaker capability)

What works for me...My main speakers are solid bass down to 50hz. I set an EQ with a 'sharp shelf filter' cut off starting at 35hz. I do NOT want the main speakers OR the subwoofer to try and reproduce lower frequencies that it doesn't need. I don't need 20hz for music. It only adds distortion. Let the sub be focused on the proper range for tight bass. 30hz IS deep bass in music! 

The subwoofer 'low pass' is set to 40hz and will seam perfectly with the main speaker drop off at 50hz. Yes.. this is a tight range but I assure you it's the proper range for a 'SUB' woofer in music. 

The key here is that, within this tight level, you can now increase the 'gain' level of the subwoofer fairly high. Both my subs have gain settings almost 3/4 of the way up so when it calls for power it's ready! Punch of a kick drum is immediate and powerful due to an unrestricted gain level.

You will never find tight punchy bass by setting a crossover high near 80hz or higher and then having to lower the volume to remove boominess. Like stepping on the brakes trying to go faster. That's completely backwards and is NOT what a subwoofer was designed to do.

Good luck!


@erik_squires  I’m not sure how much of that matters, but I can say, conclusively, that the high pass filters absolutely make the main speakers sound better.

You're right. It does on some speakers. However, let's look at a 3 way speaker. The high pass filter will only affect the woofer. The tweeter and midrange are already 'high passed' through the internal crossover. So the woofer, that is perfectly capable of producing excellent mid/lower bass, gets restricted by a high pass.

Now you'll need to push the subwoofer to a higher crossover to compensate for the loss of bass. The subwoofer is not as good at producing upper bass as the high quality woofer you restricted using high pass.

Another way to accomplish this sound improvement is by using a lower shelf filter cutoff around 35hz. Eliminating the lower frequencies that you don't need will improve the sound of BOTH your main speakers AND your subwoofer. This way you'll retain the full sound of your main speakers. It's a win/win.

My ears much prefer the richer/fuller unrestricted mid bass sound without the high pass.

@gdaddy1 I’ve had my subs tuned to produce from 16Hz to 80 Hz. It was glorious with music. There was no reason to limit the output, BUT...

the frequency response was absolutely smooth without peaks and tilted downwards. About 1.25 to 1.5 dB/octave.

Overall, I know your approach is a popular one, but I disagree with it based on experience, and talking to audiophiles who have actually made the changes.  The approach you are taking is have the sub do the least possible.  I say, have it do the most, up to 80 Hz possible, and have the mains do the least.   It's OK that we disagree, but I wanted to acknowledge your position so I could talk to it.  Thank you.