Parasound media event

I received this email and thought I would post it for those interested. 

Hi Everyone - We know there are quite a few questions (plus plenty of speculation and incorrect info) out there that need answering or clarification. We`ll be holding a Q&A town hall meeting at 12PM PST this Saturday 2/10/2024. Link to the webinar is below.


Register for Webinar

If you have a question fill in the field during registration and we`ll answer during the town hall. You`ll also get a chance to ask your question during the session once the submitted questions have been answered.


If we need more time than the hour, we`ll keep going until they`ve been answered.





I googled online and also looked at the Parasound website for the event and could not find anything on the webinar.  I could have missed it.

I hope this isn’t some type of phishing attempt.

IF this is not a phishing scam -

A question I have, and might not be able to make the call. Maybe someone can ask, if interested and attending the Webinar [hoping it's interactive and not closed].  


  • What's Darren Myers doing for them since he left PS Audio to Parasound?  


  • Got any better sounding preamplifiers coming along soon from Parasound, Darren?


The link to register for the webinar is on the post. If you're interested, just click. 


I understand that.  Call me cautious regarding internet activity.  

What I am mentioning is that I find it strange that this webinar is not mentioned anywhere else on the internet (that I can find) or on the Parasound website.

I have owned but no longer own an A21+.  Maybe it is invitation only for current owners?  And why would it be announced only 3 or 4 days in advance?

I am not trying to rain on you thread at all, just find this not usual.