Easy Come Easy Go…….BOOM!

Gentleman, consider a lightning protection system for your home..You can bet my rebuild will have a very good one.

National Weather Service recorded a 63,000 amp strike on my property.

Full replacement value. Starting over

We all got out safe  



San Antonio TX. Lost all my LP’s except for the boxed sets that were in a different room and didn’t get wet. 

Believe it or not this is now the 2nd time this house has been hit by lightning 

First time was 2000 when we moved in did minor damage. 

You guys would laugh if you could here me trying to explain to the adjuster that these are “audiophile” LP’s not run of the mill records and some are rare and collectible and worth several hundred $$

Then I told her the replacement B&W 801’s price and she just said “wow” 

I lost a lot of nice guitars too  

It’s going to be like a second job getting all of these replaced, and deciding which to choose not to replace because we’re gonna go over our maximum allowable limit


Those speakers look OK. Does any of the gear still work? When a lighting strike hits a house, I’d assume it always hits a portion of the roof or an antenna, but who has an antenna any longer? Does it automatically destroy anything plugged into an outlet? Does it destroy every electronic device in a house? 

yes, those speakers are in fine condition! Would you like to buy them? They are on sale, unique opportunity to pick them up at a discount

Not that this is necessarily relevant to the OP, but I've been thinking about a roof replacement and reading up on metal roofs.  They are no more/less prone to lightning than shingles but compared to asphalt shingles may be much less fire prone.  Also, if installed with an offset can offer significantly better heat rejection.