Fleetwood Sound Company - DeVille Loudspeaker.

The design and attention to the details is fascinating.  Roasted wood cabinet and unique wood horn along with several other fascinating design principles. I also relate to the builder’s sonic goals and priorities. Has anyone heard these or own them? If so, then please share your findings.  Thanks much!  

Steve Huff is preaching his latest replacement ….. his DEVILLE’s are already gone within a year in favour of the latest esoteric flavour of the month.





But he can help you talk to the dead, so he must know audio.

"The Paranormal: How to talk to the dead. My experience and evidence with EVP, Spirit Boxes, Ghost Boxes and Spirit communication"


ahhh the endless churn of being an internet ’influencer’ -- all hopes of lasting credibility is gone in a just few blinks of the eye! 😅😂😆

just remember, when someone is trying to tell something for free, the question is who is that person helping? themselves or you????  🤷‍♀️

I always thought the Devilles were birdhouses. Now I know what they are - they’re dybbuk boxes. 

Can only speak to their marketing.  The murch section reminded me of Simon Pearce glass.  Outrageously priced for those buying individuality.  I don’t doubt they are good, just not by any measure THAT good.

I wish them success…..without my money.