Accuphase E-5000 factory power cord good enough?

I have Accuphase E5000 plugged into my Equitech son of q jr. balanced power supply. Sounds great and I have had the Equitech for a good 15 years now. Everything is dead quiet, not even a hiss coming from the system. Just started thinking about power cords and if it is worth it, I’m in the U.S., if that matters. Thanks

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I'm late to the party but there's nothing wrong with satisfying your curiosity by trying different power cords.As long as you can return them if they don't make a significant improvement. What I have found after trying quite a few brands on various components is often they eliminate noise you didn't realize was there until you hear it's absence.The only cord that literally wowed me on my tube amp but Did Not make a huge difference on the ss amp I tried it on was a silver cord from ZenWave Audio.It's a permanent resident here.The other after market cords  I kept are from Triode Wire Labs and Cullen Cable,not terribly expensive, but did no harm and eliminated noise.


Sorry to hear about your experience with AE cords. Since you’re willing to give them away, @duketbrd88 may take you up on your generosity.

@duketbrd88 congrats with very nice Accu integrated! -before using power conditioner, have you tried to pluf it into wall outlet directly? I have Accuphase pre and PA, and found as Accuphase is the best on SN ratio among many other devices I tried. I would keep Accuphase original cords, cuse terminations match receptacle in terms of contact quality, plating metals etc. Your E-5000 during production was tested at Accuphase lab with original cords, and all test data is storied for years there.

@westcoastaudiophile I have just had it plugged into my equitech son of q jr  balanced power suppy. Sounds great. I always had my classe delta pre & power plugged into that also before I sold it and got the accuphase. I like having some kind of surge protection that the equitech offers too. IDK , Is it bad to have it plugged into the equitech? Thanks