Recommendation Repair Technician

Can anyone recommend someone who might take on an amplifier upgrade request?  Here is the situation. 
I have a class d amplifier that I want to keep and use for a very very long time. The original company is closed 

The design is so prone to blowing Gen-Fets that most people keep them in the closet collecting dust. The reviews consistently put this class d design as having the greatest soundstage. 

It uses an open ground. If the source is not turned on before the amp is then the Gen-Fets blow. This means that the source must use a UPS in our rural power area. If any stray piece of speaker wire touches the close proximity other speaker post or the case the Gen-Fets blow. The fets are becoming harder to source. These are like a Lamborghini built on carbon fiber. Any bump can damage the carbon fiber (metaphor only). 

This is not my profession but to further just describe the situation, is a fix possibly to change to a push pull power supply, add a start capacitor or change design to chassis ground?  

Anyway, smart people can suggest smart ideas BUT do you know any smart people who also use the soldering gun?


I appreciate you. 


Let's see - awful amp design and the company closed its doors.  Anyone else see a connection?  Why would you seriously want to keep and use an amp for "a very very long time" when it self destructs due to poor design?

@geworthomd that’s some amp you got there. Sounds like a winner. If I were you I’d start a thread asking for recommendations on something with similar sonics and better design and reliability. 

Thank you dekay. I will call them. 

Audiophile1, jwpstayman, off-track, non-helping, trolling replies like this are expected on some forums I guess, though Tammy’s Audiogon usually has higher quality replies than this. I guess I’’l play anyway:  The owner /designer is R.I.P. , covid. I did not mention his name out of respect. You would all know it and the quality of his products reviews. I don’t want to change. The product just needs a better overload protection. My choice, right. One bad nail discards the whole box? I would be married 20x by now. I am a jerk some days…most days.

Thank you ellajeanelle. May you point me in the direction of one of those programable-type sequencer models?