Sub $1000 DAC with AKM chip


I don’t wish to start a heated debate but I’m looking for a DAC for my daughters system. Does anyone have a recommendation for an under $1000 DAC that uses an AKM chip? I have a Topping D90 with AKM that I like. It’s not my endgame DAC but it is substantially better than many I have tried before. I know that many like ESS, Burr Brown, Wolfson etc, but I would prefer to just hear opinions about AKM and I’d also like to stay away from a discussion about streamers (I’m also considering a Bluesound Node)…Hell, I might even get her an Audioquest Dragonfly Cobalt since she is so iPhone-centric. She recently voiced her dissatisfaction with low fidelity and wants to hear music from better equipment so I’m giving her one of my integrated tube amps and a set of speakers. I don’t want to go nuts on this since she may ultimately find that hifi is not really as appealing as she imagined.

thanks all for your replies 


Sorry to disobey your wishes, but I’d suggest reading this review of the Musician Draco that’s an R2R DAC.  The reviewer is well versed in the various single-bit chip DACs and so is in a good position to provide a helpful perspective.  Plus, if your daughter gets the bug there’s an easy upgrade path by adding a DDC and utilizing its i2S input — I did this with my Musician Pegasus, and the improvement over SPDIF was not small (maybe a great future birthday/holiday gift?).

I started streaming through my iPad/iPhone using a Dragonfly Red with good results (and obviously far superior to running direct from the device), but I upgraded from the pedestrian Apple Camera Adapter to this from LavriCable and it elevated performance significantly and doesn’t cost all that much more…

Anyway, just some thoughts FWIW, and best of luck in getting your daughter to catch “the disease.”

Geshelli Labs makes a very good dac using an AKM chip.  Less than $500 when I bought mine.

Having 4 kids of my own I think you may want to approach this from an additional angle. What genre of music does SHE primarily listen to pop electronica R&B rock accoustic? Many believe ESS or AKM will sound bright or warm below 1K that is for the most part true. Here’s the thing you are giving her a tube intergrated (not knowing what it is) I will assume it has a warmish presentation coupled with an AKM dac could be too warm especailly if she likes pop or electronic music.

You mentioned something in your post that goes to the heart of what is really the case with young folk today...they listen to music via their phones; as much as we may want to introduce them to our way of listening they are gonna do as they are gonna do. She may very well get more use out of a Dragonfly Cobalt (and would absolutely appreciate the elevated presentation). With a tube intergrated I’d consider an ESS dac to pull out the dynamics bass and detail something like the Topping E50. A Schiit Modi multibit 2 is a good middle of the spectrum choice both are still bargains and great dacs. You could give her a dragonfly and add a Modi or E50 and be under $500. I’d take baby steps here..

All solid advice. Especially interested in the Geshelli as it’s always nice to see a US company making this type of gear at a great price point, and for a beginner’s budget to boot 

thanks for all your input!