New Preamp from Musetec

Known principally for high quality good value DACs, this maker is introducing a new preamp.

Full technical description is here.


My opinion is of value only to myself and do not question others tastes. My need for a preamp is for 2 reasons. I listen to a lot of FM radio on the airwaves with 3 tuners (not streaming FM). I also found that all DAC volume controls were of lesser quality than the Benchmark LA4 and now the Holo Serene preamps, especially at low volume. I was thinking at one time of buying the Luxman c900u preamp but realized that I would tire of the added sonics.

I have gone through a lot of amps in the past few years and my fav are the CODA#16, KRELL Duo XD lineup, and the Benchmark AHB2. All of these amps sounded best via a preamp that I felt did not add to the sound. There are a few people on A'gon doing the same as me but with what seems like much more expensive amps.

I used to have the CODA 07x preamp, which people love and say sounds like tubes. It was OK for me but irritating in some ways, so I went back to the 1/3 the cost LA4 preamp. I have not been bothered with the sound since and have no need to ever change this preamp. This is paired with the great CODA #16 amp. 

Love my Musetec 005 DAC, excited to hear more about it. Sad they don't have it in black.

Bumping this thread to see if anyone has tried the new Musetec preamp with the D-005 DAC.  I'd also be interested to hear from those who have tried the Holo Serene preamp with the Musetec DAC.