Moving Magnet Phono Cartridges

I probably sound like a broken record (no pun intended) but I still haven’t pulled the trigger on the Hana MC cartridge.  I have been considering a moving magnet cartridge instead and have been researching.   I haven’t found many reviews of the better ones online except for users comments.  

I have been looking at the Audio Technica cartridges, Goldring and Ortofon.   I really wish I could find a Shure V15 or equivalent.  To the users of moving magnet cartridges, can you help me out or steer me in the right direction?


And a splendid PS, from Stewart at today:

Yes we will manufacture  the current Reference as well as a new version as well. hoping it will be ready in August.

Start saving!

Yes, I am a big fan of MI cartridges both vintage and current versions. I don’t necessarily agree that the current crop are categorically superior to the very best of the vintage ones, like the B&O MMC1 or the Acutex 320 (two versions) and probably some others I don’t know about. The MP500 is a great bargain but I’m not ready to say it’s my favorite. Raul has evaluated more cartridges in a systematic way than anyone I know of.

My experience using a Hyperion (the original) for the last few years (for stereo) and an Ortofon 2M Mono SE, puts me in general alignment with what seems to be the nucleus of a forming consensus among many of us here.  Although I also like and still listen to a few favorite MC as well.  It is interesting, though, that so many of us seem to be going in the same general direction with respect to cartridges.  Either we are right or are a bad influence on each other.

For what it is worth Soundsmith rebuilt one of my Stanton OEM stylus with a Ruby cantilever and a nude contact line diamond that I use on a 981 HZS, I am very pleased with the results and have no plans on going back to a MC.

yes for what it’s worth…. the Grace F9 body coupled w new production Soundsmith Ruby OCL is quite a formidable transducer IF your arm, table, isolation and phono are UP to it….

An ancient but well cared for Signet TK-9 aint to bad either……