Anyone with experience having cables made using Amorphous Metals/Alloys


I am quite intrigued by the Amorphous metal cables. Since these are very rare (even rarer than OCC cable), I would like to hear about the experience of siomeone who has owned and heard these type of cables for long and obviously how do they compare to regular cable having normal metals like OFC/OCC copper/silver.

Also does anyone know how to/from where to procure such Amorphous (Copper/Silver) wires or even sheets for DIY project?





@williewonka I am glad that you are also intrigued by Amorphous metal as I am and hence the hunt. You have made an intersting point about Dielectric Constant of different materials. Since Dielectric constant for a material is the ratio of capcitance of the material to capacitance of the vaccum. Since Capacitance of the vaccum is a constant which means higher the diaelectric constant, higher the value of the capacitance of the material. So have you measured the capcitance of same conductor (of same lenght, geometry, width/diameter, thickness) with different dielectric used as insulation material. I thnk thats what is making the audible differences.

@bugredmachine Thanks pointing out the Stealth Audio. If you have (considerable) experience with it then I would like you to elaborate it. It would be better if you can provide any comparisons as well. I checked their website & looks like they use amorphous metal only in their analog interconnects. But price seems to be prohibitve to me.


What is attractive to engineers is finding technology being used to "solve" the cable dilemma. I used single ended, but could not find used XLR, cables 3 years ago and they added some serious soundstage and clarity to the sound. Vastly different system then but I still have the imprint of how nice even the single ended sounded in my system while trying to kill my background noise since I did not have balanced preamp then.

I felt like the Indras were pure as the driven snow and added nothing and took away nothing. But stupid expensive.

@bugredmachine thanks for your reply. It's good to see your response kind of validating my hunt for Amorphous metal. So did you sell the Indra now that you have balanced pre? I know these kind of cables are crazy expensive, something which I will never spend my money on.



Strange coincidence but a pair of stealth audio indra's just showed up in the classifieds!

5K for a 5m RCA interconnect pair. The same seller is also selling a pair of Sakra interconnects - 5K for a 1.75 m. The Sakra's are Stealth Audio's top of the line cable.


@srinisr saw those listings...too much of money for me to try amorphous metal. Maybe someone else with deeper pocket can snag it.