VPI upgrade?

I'd like to upgrade my turntable, a VPI Scout 1.1. w/ Ortofon 2M Black cart....

Question, staying with VPI, is  Prime a significant upgrade? Also, using a Channel Island phono pre...I'll be buying used, budget $3500.

I might regret this, any other sugestions?




so if I upgrade to one of the Gimbal tone arms what am I getting? Direct swap meaning it fits? thanks 

You are getting an arm that is easier to use. Is more likely to maintain it's setting and has bass that is has more punch and definition. A good gimbal bearing will operate well for a lifetime. I hear of VPI tonearm owners replacing bearing needles all the time. I believe but am not 100 sure that VPI's gimbal arm has the same dimensions and will mount in the same pattern. You need to call and ask to make sure. Have your serial numbers handy. Good place to start. Next I would do the Isolation platform and finally the cartridge. I highly recommend the Soundsmith Voice and Sussurro, There are painfully few cartridges that will outperform them. I have the new Hyperion MR coming and I will remark on it.

I put the Sussurro back in today, on the end of the 309, for which I have a number of headshells. It sounds so much nicer through the SUT than it did via the MC input. I don't suppose I will ever buy a Hyperion, but I'll enjoy your reports vicariously!