Tube Rolling

Hi Guys, I am going to be tube rolling very soon with my Primaluna Evo 300 Pre-amp &  Primaluna Evo 400 Power amp, Has anyone tried the new Brimar CV4003 / 12AU7 / 6189 for the gain tubes and the TAD KT88’s- STR Redbase for the power tubes ?

Many Thanks



You might also want to reach out to Brent Jesse.  He is more than happy to share his experience and opinion on which tubes to use in what equipment to achieve the sound / change you are  pursuing.  

In terms of sound and texture.  Since I also have a PL Dialogue Premium.  What combo of Gain (center two) tubes and power tube combo would give you a taste of 300b goodness?

I am using some of Upscale's "Kevin's stash" Gold Lion 12AU7's and they sound great with 0 noise. They have a warmer sound than some of the others. Over the years, I have probably purchased @20 tubes from them. I've had very good experiences buying tubes from them. Same with Brent Jesse. In case you're interested I have a set of 4 reissued Mullard KT88's in my stash that I bought from Upscale and never used. If you end up trying out those Brimar 12AU7's, I'd be interested in your feedback. 

  Veerossi. What power tubes are you using with the Gold Lion 12au7s.  Which Primaluna do you have and would you say the sound is close to a SET or maybe even a 300b amp?

The NOS Brimar CV4003 has a moderate amount of warmth with extension up top and in the bass. Not as warm as Mullard, but is more detailed. I’ve used them in preamp gain stages and also in my amps.

Brent Jesse is a great dealer, but the CV4003s from Upscale are low noise and have lasted for years. Just so there's no confusion with other tubes, these have box-plates.