Weiss 204 to Bricasti M1 series?

I’m demoing a Weiss 204 and like what I hear- dynamic, quietbackground, nicely detailed without sounding etched or bright.Would probably replace my Mac mini with a dedicated streamer if I keep the Weiss.  Wondering how the Bricasti M1 would be a lateral move vs. a step up, whether using its network card or with a streamer, thanks.


dynamic, quietbackground, nicely detailed without sounding etched or bright.

I have the 205 (204 minus DSD and USB) with a Linear Power Supply, and fed with a Bricasti M5 your description matches what I hear and does remind me very much of the Bricasti M3 that I owned for a short while about 4 DACs ago.    I've never heard the M1 (mk1) but I did hear a dealer say they thought the M1 offered a bit more detail and dynamics over the M3.   Its been a few year but I kind of think the 205 has at least the level of detail (if not a little more) than the M3.   With the LPS I'm very content with its dynamics.

For the last 1.5 years I've been using a Meitner MA3 and I think the 205 has a little more detail than even the MA3, it just doesn't have the smoothness and most importantly the body/weight that gives a more sense of full figures and that live fleshy quality.   For the relative difference in sound though vs the BIG price difference I've actually sold the MA3 and plan to use the 205 until the next greatest thing comes along.

Personally, I think the M1 (mk1) would be just more along the same lines of the 204/205 and if I ever go way up the ladder again in price will go back for the more fuller/denser sound of the Meitner or its type.

If you need a streamer and integrated volume control the Bricasti is awesome though.   I have a very good preamp and love the sound and flexibility of the M5 streamer so am happy to keep those functions out of my DAC which helps with being able to go with the lower priced more dedicated DAC.


The bicastis sound better with an external server and the Mac Mini is  definitely holding your dac from creating its best sound


Our 432evo Aeon with the m3 sounds amazing or with your weiss 







Why not step it up even further the T+A 200 dac-preamp  is sonically superior retail $7200  is a excellent dac and meets or beats dacs up to $15 k. Just check out the reviews ,then gets demo.