Tube preamp with Adcom amp

I have been wanting to use a tube preamp in my system but never had the chance to try one. I recently purchase an Adcom GFA-5500 with a Rotel RC-995 and to be honest, is sound good but I want to try something different. I am using the Vandersteen 2ci as my speakers. Due to my style of music, I have always been a SS guy. What would recommend for a tube preamp that will work with the 5500?

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I would try the Cary SLP98.  It is a 6SN7 based preamp with a seperate power supply.  I've used this preamp in my system for several years and thoroughly enjoy it.  It has a nice tubey sound with a great midrange.  These can be had used for around $2000 on the used market.   JEK


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If you want a tubey sound, Conrad is a good way to go. Maybe others. Audio Research is more solid state sounding generally except maybe their earlier examples.


I wouldn't use the Chase remote controller because it affects the sound so adversely especially the phono. We used to sell them to non audiophiles that cared little about sound.




I've been using a BAT VK-3IX for several years with many different SS amps, from class A to class D, with great success.  I'm always amazed that BAT is rarely suggested in these types of posts....

Just be careful of impedance matching as others have said.  Some tube preamps have an output impedance that can rise to over 1kohm.

I started my mid-fi journey with NAD, then Adcom.  my hi-fi started when I added a CJ PV12-L for a preamp with the Adcom 5400.  I have never heard depth in soundstage like that first listen.  Always targeted the L-R soundstage but the CJ was 3D.
I regret giving it up, but it got noisy and balance was off. in hindsight, probably should have replaced all the tubes and would still have it feeding into a Rotel 1080- similar to the adcom, but slightly more coherent.

Following this thread because trying to decide if I can go back.  New speakers are ML ESL-X, the motion XT60 did better with the Rogue Chronus integrated, but the ESL might prefer with  the 200w Rotel.  the Chronus has preamp outs, so going to try it out.