Updated Okto DAC 8 Stereo firmware and now I have DSD issues

Never one to subscribe to “it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” maxims, I decided to update my Okto DAC8 Stereo firmware to the current 1.2 version. That was an adventure unto itself, but it completed successfully and now I am on version 1.2.

After installing 1.2, I am having major issues when playing DSD.  Whenever I start or stop DSD play or advance to the next DSD track on a playlist, get a loud pop through the system. Since I usually listen at DSD256 on HQPlayer, this is a problem that renders the DAC almost unusable.  I have the same issue, however, with DLNA players like JPlay for iOS, JRiver or Audirvana and with Roon when playing DSD. It’s 100 percent repeatable.

This happens whether I am using my Sonore Signature Rendu SE or my Pi4 with Volumio.  I therefore blame the DAC.

Any suggestions other than avoiding DSD?  I have a lot of money invested in DSD files and upsampling software!

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Yes, @milpai . I did, several days before my post.  Didn’t get a response after a week, so I have pinged Okto again.  Now, I am crossing my fingers.