What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?

Not the most expensive, not the best reviewed, not the biggest, but the most FUN.  You know, that ONE that just makes you throw on some more music and keep listening, the one that makes your toes tap, your head bob, your ass move the most.  The one that makes you think to yourself "damn, why doesn't everyone have a pair of these?" Let 'er rip. 

Revel Salon 2 speakers!!!  From top to bottom, the Revel Salon 2 speakers perform at such a high level of proficiency, they took me off the speaker merry-go-round.       Phenomenal speakers!!! 

It's a tie between my stacked Advents and a pair of JBL L110s that addressed everything I hated about the bloated and harsh L100. The Advnts were big and neutral, very forgiving with bass forever, but ultimately the 'restrained' high end made me want more, but i did more than a little "One more cut" listening on them. The JBLs were the first computer-aligned Thiele-Small design JBL ever did, along with their first soft dome tweeter. They nailed it. Absolutely accurate, non-fatiguing, great imaging, tight extended bass, and of course, JBL quality cabinetry. Drove them with an extremely underrated Marantz 3250 preamp and 170DC MOSFET 85w/ch stack with the matching tuner that had a real oscilloscope built in. Should have never sold that rig, but a new wife and a move ... and you all know the rest.

Probably replied a few years ago, but would have to be my HPM 100's. They survived quite a few parties. Bought them when they first came out, I'd guess around 1979.

I bought the original first version DCM Time Windows speakers when they came out in the late 70's, for $660.  I live in southeastern Michigan, not far from Ann Arbor, where DCM was located.  They were driven by a Kenwood KA-9100 integrated amp, and I have many great memories of how good sounding the DCM Time Windows were.  Unfortunately, the system was stolen from my house about 5 years later. 

Around 2008, I happened upon a mint pair of the first version DCM Time Windows selling nearby me, and bought them for nostalgia reasons.  I then sold them a year later to my brother, and he is still using them to this day, sounding very musical in his furnished basement.