Tweak Pink Himalayan Salt Lamps.

Okay has any tried this? 
This thread amused me at WBF and I am sure the responses here will too. I am not an anti-tweak guy.



By coincidence I purchased one in Palm Springs to replace a lava lamp that had no business in the house per my better half. Didn’t know about this tweak, but I do enjoy the soft glow. My spouse says it still looks tacky. Just sent her the link above to make this purchase more tolerable for her.

Lol. I have one on top of my rack. Purely by coincidence,  lol. I dunno..sounds good off. Or on..?

I have had a Salt lamp for 10 years. As far as I can tell it makes no difference in sound quality. It also very slowly disappears. I wonder where the salt goes. It was a gift from a friend. Supposed to help my arthritis or such. It did not do that either.

I will give you as answer a gentle double blind virtual kick ass...😁

Merry christmas and i hope you will receive a beautiful salt lamp to help placebo perception as an imprevisible gift...🦌

@mahgister Merry Christmas and I want a quadruple blind and deaf test... 😜🎅