Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!

Yes indeed.  Several years ago, the absolutely incredible Revel Salon 2 speakers finally took me off the speaker merry-go-round.  I do believe that I'll be taking my Revel Salon 2 speakers to the grave with me.  What's your end-game speakers?


@skinzy - Thank you for launching this thought exercise for me. Winning the lottery at this point would probably result in:

  1. A tithe
  2. Retiring
  3. Ensuring kid’s education is funded.
  4. Taking care of a couple of friends in need.
  5. Building all the woodworking projects I have in mind.
  6. Travel.

If I were twenty years younger, this would be augmented by probably second and third homes and a large system for one of them built around tubes (Audio Research) and vinyl (and a request to @ghdprentice and @mikelavigne for lots of guidance). Somewhere in there we would get around to price-no-object speakers…Along the way, I would want to try Klipschorns and La Scalas, big Maggies with subs, and one or more electrostatics—all to satisfy about 45 years’ worth of curiosity. I imagine that this would be lots of fun and incredibly time-consuming. I might even venture into the world of hoity-toity cabling and vibration isolation for non-turntable items.

Since I am not twenty years younger (I am 61), I would rather spend the time and energy I have left on woodworking projects and travel, rather than amassing lots of gear that will eventually be a burden to my son after I move on.

AND—since I am not going to win the lottery, I am very thankful to have the system I have, which checks all my boxes and puts a smile on my face every time I turn it on.

Traded up from Volti Razz to Magico A3 and very pleased. End game? I’m not sure but, I went to an audio show in Dallas and didn’t heard anything I would consider end game. The A3 has enough low end in my smallish listening space that I don’t yearn for sub(s). Frequently response is exceptional a I’m still breaking them in. At 71, the A3 may be end game. My wife thinks so anyway. 😆

There is no end game speakers without end game room ... Many  upgrading is born from that forgetfullness ...


+1 re: the Linkwitz Orion's! 

While I like my Harbeth 40.2's and Legacy Calibre's - I think the Orion's (or the LX521's) may edge them out, when set up properly with the right room / acoustic treatments.  The only other speakers I have an interest in are the ATC SCM100-150  ASLT's - but, are cost prohibitive.

Though... there will always be those that I'd like to demo for a while.