Anyone else using slugs instead of fuses? Comments on metals used and sound please

I recently began experimenting with slugs in place of fuses on most of my components and the results have been VERY rewarding. I'll write up a full review eventually but am awaiting possible different metal slugs in the near future.  I started with copper and the improvement from stock fuses to the copper slugs was quite noticeable but, honestly, nothing compared to the upgrade from copper to solid silver slugs from Golden State Silver and, shockingly, titanium slugs.  Can anyone comment on their DIRECT experience(s) with slugs other than copper?   I'm looking into tungsten and possibly molybdenum presently.  I'd love to try platinum or palladium but that's probably beyond my reach.  AND PLEASE, THERE'S NO NEED TO COMMENT ON HOW FOOLISH IT IS TO BYPASS THE FUSE WITH SLUGS-----WE ALREADY KNOW---YOU'VE TOLD US EXHAUSTIVELY.


So many know-it-alls in this forum! You know who you are! This really gets tiring here! He specifically asked people to not criticize about the risks since he knows what they are! Some people just can't resist and IMHO these people are holding back other people posting to these forums! If you have nothing beneficial to say, then why not just keep quiet! We aren't children and these are all opinions. Not many things in this hobby are set in stone and most things are opinions! 

More power to you and your ears but I used copper slugs in my Magnepan 20.7s, and PS Audio BHK preamp and BHK 300 monoblocks and heard no difference.  

I'm really not fond of the copper slugs at all.   I thought them an improvement over the stock fuses but it's the silver and surprisingly, titanium slugs that really transformed my system.  A quick story about this:  my amp is a Red Dragon S-500.  I have been using a single one in stereo mode for a few years now and recently acquired another at a shockingly low price.  Upon arrival, I swapped it out with my original one to test and make sure it was working and sounding as it should given the exceptionally low price.  Immediately I noticed something quite wrong and thought the amp wasn't working correctly.  Everything sounded a bit opaque, and the highs were rolled off.  Honestly, I was about to shoot the seller a probably beligerent email about the damaged amp when I remembered that the original Red Dragon was fitted with one of the solid silver slugs.  I pulled the fuse tray out and installed a silver slug and PRESTO!!!!  All was back to normal.  That's the kind of improvement I get with the silver and titanium slugs.  Of course, your system needs to be adequately resolving to get similar results, I would assume. Check with Golden State Silver for the silver slugs, less than $50 for 2.  I really can't imagine as significant an improvement for what would be such a minimal investment.

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We all know that this can be dangerous, bypassing the component fuses, and, as adults, we will make our own decisions.

I fully agree!  Does your landlord know what you are doing so they can make their own decision about your continued tenancy?