
I have a brother-in-law, retired Navy, who is interested in a nostalgia system.  When he served in in Pacific in the 80's they could get great deals on Sansui equipment and is of the opinion that Sansui was top of the line.  He asked me what I would get but I'm clueless about 80's receivers.  I doubt that he wants separates.  I'd greatly appreciate hearing your opinions.  My brother-in-law is partial to Sansui, but should I suggest something else?  He's got good ears even though he's not an audiophile.  Thanks.

Ag insider logo xs@2xtreepmeyer

@mahgister +1! That Alpha 907i from 1987 looks pretty impressive! List price was 260,000 yen, around $2600 dollars. Which one do you have?

@mahgister many thanks.  There's an alpha 907 for sale on USAudiomart!  What period speakers would pair well with this amp?

I own the Au alpha 607i... It is not the top model...

But i did not even succeed to upgrade it with a ZOTL Berning tube amp... Synergy matter too then even if the zotl with his refined linear independant power supply was more silent there is no comparison on all aspects of sound using my K340 which are any way are probably the hardest headphone to drive well ...Not in raw power but with volt swing ...( they had two different cells of 350 Ohms impedance , a dynamic one and an electret one and a complex dual acoustic chamber , there is no other hybrid headphone today by the way in the way they work)

Sansui never even export to America the best of their alpha top models for many reasons one being Us/yen change in these years ...

Those who think Sansui is outdated make me smile ... Their ratio S.Q. /sound quality especially today bought used at 1000 or 2000 bucks beat many modern offerings...I pay my alpha 300 bucks 8 years ago but i used my AU 7700 with my big speakers not the Alpha because i loved the Au 7700 so much...

But my K340 ask for a more clean amp more refined and more detailed then i disconnected the Au 7700 and the Alpha was so good i will die with it....There is better but at 10,000 bucks not at few thousand... Why i bought them ?

Because products that are of mythical status with no negative review after 45 or 35 years and sold good price used, these products reviewed by users decade after decade says more than any reviewers can spell today about a new hyped product which nobody will remember in 10 years ... ...

And when i bought my Sansui alpha and paid it 300 bucks there was no top audiophile amplifier a  so good product under 1000 bucks at all ... It is true today too even if the actual price used of the 607i will be around 1000 bucks now ...For the 907i a notch over it will certainly double the price used ...


@mahgister +1! That Alpha 907i from 1987 looks pretty impressive! List price was 260,000 yen, around $2600 dollars. Which one do you have?

The Sansui alpha will drive well most speakers i guess , it is a synergy question ...

Myself i will buy a Tannoy dual concentric if i would need speakers... They are mythical product too and i owned a pair for 45 years ... 😊


be very careful to order one out of the Us or Canada ... Scammer know that these products are in demand ...


My actual system for the price is so good , low cost yes, but not low-fi at all ... I pity those who own costlier system...I am not far behind them as much as they think ...😁

What matter in audio is synergy first, buying the right components for sure but the price tag dont tell the story here about the acoustic final experience and satisfaction ...Acoustics knowledge rule after synergy and the way we learn how to embed mechanically, electrically and acoustically the system matter more than ANY UPGRADE ... Those who brag about price tag dont impress me now at all ... I learned a lot by experiments for few years because i am retired ... I know what is timbre, crosstalk, and spatial acoustic factors for example by learning how to control them at will in my room ... Buying and plugging costly component is not the hobby, learning acoustic or electronic design is...I learn acoustic but i dont design speakers nor amplifiers , i only learn how to put them rightfully in a room ..

My best to you ...


@mahgister many thanks. There’s an alpha 907 for sale on USAudiomart! What period speakers would pair well with this amp?