
I have a brother-in-law, retired Navy, who is interested in a nostalgia system.  When he served in in Pacific in the 80's they could get great deals on Sansui equipment and is of the opinion that Sansui was top of the line.  He asked me what I would get but I'm clueless about 80's receivers.  I doubt that he wants separates.  I'd greatly appreciate hearing your opinions.  My brother-in-law is partial to Sansui, but should I suggest something else?  He's got good ears even though he's not an audiophile.  Thanks.


Showing 2 responses by jasonbourne71

@mahgister +1! That Alpha 907i from 1987 looks pretty impressive! List price was 260,000 yen, around $2600 dollars. Which one do you have?

Get your brother-in-law a pair of original JBL 100's or the 4312's to match the vintage Sansui amp. The Alpha 907i is a formidable piece!