Replace Ayre gear & kEF Reference 1s with KEF LS60s?

From time to time I think about replacing a rack of Ayre gear and KEF Reference 1s with KEF LS60s as a move toward simplifying my 87 year old life -- at some point I may need to move to a retirement community.  I'd keep the Ayre DX-5 DSD and the pair of Velodyne HGS-15 subs, though perhaps change them for a pair of KEF KC62s.  The impetus to do this has lessened since I've reduced my components to those that fit into a single rack (the VX-5 Twenty amp sits between the speakers).  I'm concerned about giving up the Roon-ready QX-5 Twenty DAC.  I have wireless LS50s IIs that I use with a pair of KC62s, but I've never heard the LS60s.

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Simplification sounds good. I have the QB-7(?) Twenty DAC. It is a great DAC. I get the appeal. However, if I was thinking that way, I would go the Linn DSM route. You can get the whole stack in one small box… and the performance is astounding. I have listened to various combinations. But it can have a streamer, DAC at several levels of cost/performance, preamp, phonostage and amp. I would have laughed at the idea ten years ago. 

I had the streamer / mid-level DAC in my system last week… and its sound quality was worthy of its price. One elegant little box. 


I had the top of the line Ayre DAC a few years ago. I replaced it with a Mojo Audio DAC which blew away the Ayre. 

FYI, after two days of debilitation from an unknown cause, I've decided to proceed with the plan outlined in my OP.  I plan to list the Ayre gear, KEF Reference 1s, and Salamander rack at AudioMart once I learn how to do it.  When enough gear is sold to cover the cost of a used LS60, I'll be a buyer.  In addition to the Ayre gear, I'll be selling 3 Parasound JC 1s and a KEF Reference 204/2C center speaker.  Then there a boxes of gear in the garage I should sell.

I listened today via Roon to the Ayre gear and KEF Reference 1s.  The sound is so good I've decided to keep that setup and sell other gear to cover the cost of LS60.  It comes down to a 3-tier rack of Ayre gear and two speakers or a 1-tier rack with Ayre disc player and two LS60 units, not much difference re simplification.  I will compare the sound of the two setups, keep one and sell the other, or perhaps keep both and replace the LS50 W2 with the LS60.