How important are spikes?

I use rubber footings. How do spikes improve sound vs rubber feet?

Never saw need to put spikes on a rack that has components/amp.  Need wheels on a rack for access, mobility.

Clearly, based upon the thread above, aside from all the marketing rhetoric, spikes have limited value in an audio set up.  Putting spikes underneath an amplifier is nuts and provides no discernible sonic change.

Isolating a turntable makes sense for obvious reasons. Using spikes versus rubber feet underneath speakers provides questionable benefit. 

Isolation pucks can be obtained fairly cheaply for about 40 bucks so not a big deal to do it.

glorified overpriced isolation stuff is generally A waste of money and provides no sonic benefit that's discernible. Positive reinforcement clearly runs rampant in this area.


"glorified overpriced isolation stuff is generally A waste of money and provides no sonic benefit that's discernible. Positive reinforcement clearly runs rampant in this area."

I really don't know if you are serious when you say blatantly ignorant things, (this isn't the first time) or you're trying to be provocative. It has been clearly said by myself and others who are far more experienced that vibration control products from companies like Townshend, Live Vibe and many others make a profound difference in the performance of speakers as well as electronics. 

Why don't you try one or more of them instead of making uninformed statements?



I looked for but did not see any details about or pictures of your equipment , why ?

It always helps to understand a person's point of view if others can see what you have settled on as far a s equipment and setup .  

+1 @roxy54 I’m at the point where I’m just gonna ignore future emergingsoul threads — dude’s out of it and just way just out there, and where that is I have no idea and I don’t wanna know. Had enough of this nonsense. Peace out.