dCS Bartok Apex vs any similar priced DAC

I’m about to upgrade my system from scratch, the speakers will be ATC SCM50ASL Classic active. I don’t have any records, digital rips only on my Innuos Zen MINI & LPSU. 

The dCS Bartok Apex direct into the active ATC is where I want to go. Any opinions about any better matched DAC / DAC streamer/preamp combo that’s better matched to the ATC ?


Thinking WEISS 501, Esoteric N-05 XD, Chord DAVE



@seadog137 I used to own the DCS Bartok Apex and as some people love it for me it was to clinical and you need to work around a lot to about brightness 

I switch to Lampizator Pac2 and I am the happiest ever. Amazing DAC way more analog, it’s not as detail but you can always work around with the right streamer to make it sounds more detail if that’s what you want. 

Lampizator is more forgiving also and open the possibility to use SS or tubes on the front side 


my 2 cents hope it’s helps 

good luck 

you should also try the Wyred4Sound 10th anniversary dac it's about $4,500 US, one of the reviewers put it up against his VPI turntable with a $5,000 Japanese cartridge and he said that the 10th anniversary DAC sounded just as analog and it also comes with a 30-day trial period, on that review I decided to try it and I totally agree this is one of the most analog sounding DACs I've had in my system, no need to spend $21,000 or $80,000 on a DAC, that's ridiculous.

Several folks I know and myself drive ATC SCM50ASL(T) speakers directly with the Weiss DAC501. Most find the many DSP features useful. As far as I know, none of us are planning any further upgrades. One auditioned the T&A 200 and preferred the Weiss. Most folks out there that have made the comparison with Dave, prefer the Weiss.

If you are considering something as expensive as the Bartok Apex, also audition the new Weiss Helios which is in the same price range.

Honestly, if you're just running an ATC, I don't see why there's a need for a top flight DAC