Help us build our playlist for our next show in November!

We want to know what music you like to listen with your awesome sound system. Try our list for upcoming CAF 2023 Music List with your system. 

CAF 2023 Music List

Let us know which song you like the most and if you want to recommend more music for our next show, please share here and let us know why. 


I love when people tell me why this music piece is special for them; whether it is personal experience, just sound great to test audio gear, one thinks this is the greatest music artist, or the simply the best band. 



Dean Peers.


What components are you using to drive your speakers?

We have a listening room in New Jersey where we get over 100 people each quarter to come listen to our systems. If you are interested in having us demonstrate your speakers we would be happy to set-up a system with your speakers for you. We have DHT 101D tube R2R DAC, dual chassis 6SN7 preamp, custom Class A mono block amplifiers. NJ Audio Society, NY Audio Society, PA, Long Island NY groups will come to hear your speakers.

PM me in you are interested.

Happy Listening.



Just Like Love -- Steve Strauss

After Midnight -- Hanne Boel

Driftn' Man -- Nils Lofgren

The Peacocks -- Cava Menzies, Nick Phillips

Beat -- Tingvall Trio

Nachtfahrten -- Michael Wollny Trio

@fuzztone I cannot find them on tidal. I may have to search on similar records on vinyl or something. Only Keiko's piece I found.

@czarivey Not coming up on tidal, either. I got other tracks of "The Nekcs", though. 

@tylermunns They are classic pieces, I will be bring Diana's lp to the show for sure. 

@noromance I will be listening this piece, this week. Thank you! 

@rettrussell you recommended a bunch that I am not familar with. I added them to try them all. Thank you.

@asvjerry it's not sad, it's a good piece. There are bunch of pieces I love, but trying different songs that I haven't played at the show. We played this at AXPONA 2023. Maybe I will at CAF 2023 as well. 

@re-lar-kvothe New to me, but interesting piece. I am playing this on my headphones. 😀

@tomaswv you read my mind. 

@dekay Not sure about the screen. We usually play our product videos on the screen. 

@rumblestrip Maybe I will add Yulunga to my list. 

@8th-note I think I will add Dee Dee's Duke Ellington album pieces; Bli Blip. I just loved the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra's performance of the album. 

 @tunehead I think you and I have similar taste haha. I like listening to Celesial Echo on headphones than my speakers. Sounds more intimate. Haha. Freya is amazing. One of my favorites of 21st Century. 

@clydeactor Saint-Saens for sure. Why the particular album with Boston Symphony? I have a couple of my favorite pieces; Chung Kyung Wha version is great too.


@arafiq I dig any Nils Lofgren music. Tingvall Trio's album is beautiful. I am not familiar with Michael Wollny's music, I will make myself aquainted this week. Thank you so much for your recommendation.