What is your most fond musical memory.

One that makes you yearn for the ‘good old days.’

Mine took place in 1970. My grandparents were going on a world tour and I had their whole house to myself for 2 months. Alone at last!. I was 16. First thing I did was set up my audio system. Then I turned down the lights and put on the just released Grand Funk “Closer to Home’ album. I thought I was in heaven when ‘I’m your Captain’ came on. 10 minutes of Pure Bliss. To this day I get the tingles whenever I play that song.



My little local blues band opening for Led Zeppelin on their first tour (the second half of their first tour anyway...May '69...whatever happened to those guys?) is tied with seeing Moby Grape headline a show in '67 with Tim Buckley and Jimmy Hendrix (!) as opening acts.  

wolf_garcia: Moby Grape, one band I really regret not having seen live. And I still have yet to see Marty Stuart & His Fabulous Superlatives.

12th birthday, Baltimore, my dad taking me to see (really it was see, not easy to hear with the non-stop screaming!) the Beatles.  

I was a Jefferson Airplane fan back in the day.  And then a Hot Tuna fan. Jorma and Jack were just great together.

Blurry on the year, probably 80s and I got tickets to see Hot Tuna at the Lone Star

in NYC.  Ended up with my knees against the stage (very low stage) and Jorma

playing right in front of me.  Amazing.



Drinking  beer with Peter Frampton and  Steve Miller backstage before the David Bowie concert.     Sat on the floor of a hallway and partied with them for an hour before the show and didn't even know who they were until they took the stage and started playing