Am I wasting money on the theory of Bi-amping?

As a long time audiophile I'm finally able to bi-amp my setup. I'm using two identical amps in a vertical bi-amp configuration. 

Now me not fully understanding all of the ins/outs of internal speaker crossovers and what not. I've read quite a few people tell me that bi-amping like I'm doing whether it's vertical or horizontal bi-amping is a waste since there's really not a improvement because of how speaker manufacturers design the internal crossovers. 

Can anyone explain to a third grader how it's beneficial or if the naysayers are correct in the statement?


I would generally agree with a good number of the responses that indicate a "great deal of added expense to do it right" but yet the benefits are there if there is cost no object.

But here in "beerville", after experimenting with multiple different jumper wires between my mids and highs of Aerial 10 Mk II, I did find one that I liked substantially (Signature series, AntiCable).

Then at the suggestion of long time friend/audiophile Duane, I tried some Mosaic advanced tech speaker cables (now defunct) in a bi.wire mode .. UnBeLieVabLe the difference!

If you want similar tech .. Bionic Cables are similar yet better. I am using their entry level RCA, it is also amazing (coming from much a-b'ing on my system)

@barts - Please tell me that you also bi-wire in your tri-amp system.  I’ve often pondered what the limit might be for a complex audio system.  I would expect that the audiophiles with the most complex would also have the perspective that everything matters (why have a complex system otherwise?), so I can only imagine the challenge of optimizing cables and such, particularly every individual cable can be approached uniquely. 


No I don't bi-wire, there is nothing to bi-wire.  All speakers cables are the same 10ga.  All the interconnects are the same Audience OHNO single crystal developed by Dr. Ohno.

My rig is somewhat easy to understand...just think of it as regular old rig until you get to the x-over, then its like three stereos all playing the same music (in different frequency ranges). Simple.



Multi-amping could have advantages even if done before the cross-overs, and even more so if each channel has its own power supply.

If a speaker has a challenging impedance / phase angle above or below the frequency range of the cross-over the amplifier will often run with more strain and corresponding deviation from ideal performance at these points. A single amplifier channels performance can be dragged down across the entire frequency range by these demands, where as multi - amplified frequency ranges will only be compromised at the particular point of the challenging load, freeing up the other ranges to be powered more optimally. This might be especially true in cases of so called Class A/AB amps where more of the more optimum purported Class A bias will be allowed to run longer before resorting to the less optimum purported Class AB or Class B (these classifications are somewhat nebulous, but the results are somewhat the same).

That these challenging impedance / phase angle loads are more typically found in the bass region where the power needs are greater but where our hearing is usually less sensitive, so meeting the power demands might be more important than ultimate fidelity. On the other hand the power demands of higher frequencies ranges are typically less, but our hearing is usually more critical, and the greater purity of amplification is appreciated more.

Bi-amping is not a "theory" neither are bi-(or tri)wiring. You just need to know what you are doing. Results will depend on the quality of the involved components and als the chief`s skill-level.


Some speakers has terrible passive filters, like the famous old Infinity Kappa 9. Bi-amping won`t solve this, but bypassing the passive filters and instead using an active filter would do.