Should I Sell My ARC REF 6 and Get A Pass Labs XP-32

So here's the question.  I love my ARC REF 6.  It's a great piece of equipment.  But  lately, I have been thinking that maybe I should switch from tubes to a Pass Labs XP-32, as I don't want to worry about replacing tubes in the future (like 5-10 years from now -- I know that there is plenty of stock now and I have a spare set anyway) as I approach retirement age.  Of course, other than buying a Pass Labs XP-32 and putting it into my system to see how it sounds, I am at the mercy of professional reviewers. The rest of my system: I have a Pass Labs 250.8 (so I think that there would be great synergy with the XP-32), MSB Discrete DAC with Premier Power Base and Wilson Sabrina X speakers, and a full loom of Shunyata cables.  Will the XP-32 be an improvement over the REF 6 for my system?  Should I sell the REF 6 and get an XP-32?


I tried this about a year or so ago. I traded my REF5SE in on an Ayre KX5-Twenty as I wanted to get away from the tube heat. Within 120 days I sold the Ayre and now have a LS28SE and am much happier. I never have heard any PASS gear except at Rocky Mtn Audio Fest so not a fair assessment. Although I may consider PASS should I look at new Amps. I guess my point is make sure you’re gonna be happy before you jump.

So... I have had the 250.8 for 3 years and like it. I have an XP10 mated to it and have had Focal 1038BE, Sopra 2, Harbeth 30's, Harbeth HLS5SH Super, Sabrina (not the X) most recently the Sasha 2. I then bought an ARC RE75SE- and love it. I loved it enough that I bought the ARC REG150SE- incredible amp. Then, because the ARC was an eye opener, I bought the ARC LS28- which blew away the Pass XP10 (the combo of the 150 SE and the LS28 was crazy good). The Pass set up is still very. very good- my take on the ARC though is that it's much faster, open, airy, bigger soundstage and dynamic- which you probably wouldn't expect from tubes- but- it is better than the Pass in my system. Good enough that my LS28 is with Kalvin at ARC  being upgraded to an LS28SE. I have three set's of spare tubes for the REF75SE and the 150 SE and will probably buy another set each for "back stock".  I kept the Pass 250.8 and the xp10 because they're really, really good and they're solid state. But, they'll sit on the sidelines while the ARC cranks the system and I'll use the Pass from time to time or in another system. I wouldn't rush to switch to the XP32, the ARC gear is really, really good and in my system it betters the Pass gear. 

I agree w Audphile1 on how the XP22 presents a realistic soundstage and incredible dynamics. I have mine paired w your same amp X250.8 and Sabrina X ‘s and the bass speed and volume control is sublime. 
I can only imagine how good the XP32 would sound. 


I’m going to say yes only if you sell me your Ref 6 for an absurdly low price.  Otherwise, you can buy another set of tubes now and throw them in a drawer until you need them.  

All the best.