Am I wasting money on the theory of Bi-amping?

As a long time audiophile I'm finally able to bi-amp my setup. I'm using two identical amps in a vertical bi-amp configuration. 

Now me not fully understanding all of the ins/outs of internal speaker crossovers and what not. I've read quite a few people tell me that bi-amping like I'm doing whether it's vertical or horizontal bi-amping is a waste since there's really not a improvement because of how speaker manufacturers design the internal crossovers. 

Can anyone explain to a third grader how it's beneficial or if the naysayers are correct in the statement?

  • How come they don't design biamping amps that are both tubes for top drivers and solid state for bass drivers?

Maybe I begin to do this and make a lot of money

Phase: with ads 1230, only the ads 2000 biamp crossover  will work.

. This is because the internal and ads 2000 crossovers do something to the phase of the woofer . I used an external analog crossover and had some big holes in the freq response as evidenced by using an audessey rc equpped reciever .

I think the culprit was a woofer that was out of phase by 90 degrees.

I thought about triamping my Valkeryie speakers which scream to be triamped but to do it actively would require some serious surgery so I’ll likely “ dumb” Triamp thrm ( passive) and use an old av receiver .


@emergingsoul ....likely 'cause it's only a 'fringe' sort of thing that audioholics end up doing? ;)

It's the sort of thing that appeals to those that don't mind having the backsides of their rigs look like a incident in a pasta factory...😏

A amps and D amps together?!   Dogs 'n cats cohabitating?! OHmG....*LOL*

Likely the sort of thing I'll end up doing anyway....*S*

(...I'd keep the day job...mho, fwiw....amazing what flies these dayz....)

man you guys are still at it.

It works, so depends on your situation, if you can get a hold of it, try it. If you don’t hear the diff, sell it.

I have 4 AHB2 bi-amp on mono-mode to JBL 4367, which the crossover network is well built even its passive. Been building system for 20+ years, and first time ever, I do not foresee even the desire to make a change.