Esoteric X-03 does it kill the DV-50 in cd quality

I am going to buy either a X-03 or DV-50 to use with BAT 31SE, Levinson 436's and B&W 802's'. Will the X-03 offer way more than the DV-50 in 2 channel cd running all balanced?
I would appreciate some input as to the differences if someone has had the chance to hear both players in the same system.

I am currently running a Esoteric SZ-1 into a MSB Power DAC that feeds a BAT VK 31SE. I first bought the player and was very pleased and then tried the MSB and was stunned at how good Redbook could sound. Much better that the dac on the Esoteric in my opinion. I do not know what player you are running now but maybe look at an outboard DAC if the transport is good enough. I do run fully balanced to BAT and to the NuForce 9 SE V2.
Yes in my opinion, I heard both, but not together, DV50 was a little forward sounding in my system, but still very good. X03 sounded very detailed and nice but another system. Another step up in my opinion. I would do X03.


I have had both in my system and while the DV50 was very good, the X03SE took it to another level. There was no comparison.