Warm sounding 6922 Type Tubes

Any suggestions for a warm sounding 6922 type tube for my Dac. I’m currently using a NOS Mullard 6DJ8 but I’m looking for a bit more warmth to tame some brighter recordings.



I think it’s going to be hard to find a tube warmer than the Mullards. Mullard has always had the reputation of being THE warm tube.

There maybe tubes that do sound warmer in your system but it would be a case of that particular synergy with your equipment. For example, the Amperexes mentioned above are not known as a warm tube and from my experience with them I wouldn’t call them warm, but they could, by chance, give you the sound you want.

I suggest you call Brent Jessee, Andy Bouwman (Vintage Tube Services) or Upscale Audio to see if they can recommend something for you. These guys are all very knowledgeable about tubes and will talk to you about tubes that may be what you’re looking for. Good Luck!

P.S. RCA Blackplates also have a reputation for being a warmer or smoother tube.

Good point Tomcy6. The only other 6922 I’ve used is the Electro Harmonix. Not a big sample pool. The Amperex are just better overall and more pleasing to listen to. I’m probably confusing warm with more pleasing and easy to listen to. Also, I have a tube amp, preamp and dac and am comparing the Amperex to the tubes I’ve used in those. Tubes are indeed a personal choice and ronrags will have to experiment. 

@tomcy6 I bought the Mullard from Brent Jesse from his recommendation. I called him earlier today and still thought the Mullard was my best bet. He also suggested the Amperex but there was no guarantee it would sound better. He did hear from some people that tube dampers might soften the top end a bit. I have some so I experiment tonight. Thanks for your responses. 

Are the Mullards fully broken in? Tubes can be quite harsh sometimes in the beginning. 

I prefer using the clearest and most transparent tubes rather than dulling things down due to harsh sources. Fix the DAC. Cca run about $400 a pair.