Immersive Audio and How to Achieve It

100% of music listeners prefer live music to recorded playback, why? A live performance "immerses" you and frees you up to move around the room, the dance floor and still be immersed. The goal posts have moved away from two speakers to an array of speakers all around as well as above you to reproduce the illusion of a LIVE performance. Why, in 2023, would anyone voluntarily use only two speakers to recreate this illusion of a live performance in a large room?

Even the artists themselves are using immersive audio in concert to WOW their audience, why not do it at home:




Technically, to record at 128 discrete locations would require the mixer to combine them faithfully in, what, 128 to what power number of ways to choose from? 

When I see the high channel account I think that is for movie theaters. If you check out the thread I link to above it lays out how most mix studios are setup in a 7.2.4 format and the highest count they generally use is a 9.6.6 format.

And even audiophiles to check out any and all latest technological developments that could prove beneficial. "Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good."

This is why I think I adopted object based audio and not SACD, it was too expensive to buy new discs at $20-$50 a pop. Now, $ a month and you get everything? losless, hirez, and object based audio? Not being able to use it all is simply a waste if you are already paying for it in your subscription.


The Modern Rock Producer: Steve Wilson Interview:

At :45 min in the video below, "listen to records the way you used to listen to records, the way you don’t anymore" on getting people together in a great atmos or acoustics room and taking them on a musical journey. He laments over the fact that most people don’t have a proper 7.1.4 atmos setup so he sets up listening sessions in studios just so people can here it "proper".

Rick Beato Interviews Steve Wilson:



The George Harrison Atmos remixes are breathtaking. When you hear George singing on "Give Me Love-(Give Me Peace on Earth)" it is like you never really heard him before. So close, so in the room with you, I think it is a combination of 21st century science resurrecting the original masters and then doing what object based audio does best, giving each sound a lifelike, textural quality in its own space, truly beautiful.

70's: Dolby Atmos on Tidal Playlist

The George Harrison Catalog Available in Atmos:

Dhani Harrison said, “22 years since his passing, for what would have been his 80th birthday, I am overjoyed to announce that we are bringing my father’s music catalogue back home to Dark Horse Records, the company he started back in 1974. We look forward to releasing only the finest of packages and hope the fans join us on the deepest of dives into our archives as we continue to grow his legacy through our partnership with BMG, starting with the release of his entire back catalog in Spatial Audio.

So glad I do not even own a T.V. so I am a stereo guy. This thread is not creating many converts. 


Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting. As for this thread converting I don’t feel that is here or there. The INDUSTRY is not "converting", it converted already. When they showcased electric lights at the worlds fair did NYC or LA convert? Nope, that took decades. Heinz converted his factory to electric power 10 years before Ford did. The audio industry "converted" not when Atmos got invented, not when I bought an Atmos capable processor, but when Apple (about the largest company in the world by market cap) converted to spatial audio. Listen to producer Steve Wilson in this video at the :40 second mark:

"It Suddenly Became All About Atmos"

When I sit in my listening room for an Atmos session I turn down the lights and bring up Tidal Atmos playlists. Every time you see a song you know and love, regardless the artist or genre you get a pop of anticipation. There are NEW drops every week, like a "Tidal" wave that just keeps coming.

You hit the play button on "Pet Sounds" or "Your Song" by Elton John, or "Landslide" or whatever and you wait. Nearly every time in my room the vocals just bring you closer to being in the studio than anything else. It doesn’t even have to be the main singer, with the Beach Boys it is the chorus, with Elton or Ella or Sting it is uniquely them. Instruments in the track that used to be just a blur in the background are now distinctly contributing in their own space (percussion instruments, horns, cymbals, etc). Horn sections are stunning in the distinctness and tone of each horn, in its own space. Sometimes a horn section can just mash together you know? I am posting what I like, that’s all.