Eversolo dmp A6 vs Master edition vs Z8

Has anyone heard all 3 ? What are your thoughts? 
giong into a Chronus Magnum 2 with Falcon q7 and potential lrs+.

Thank you for your thoughts.



I'm only repeating what the distributor Aamir told me when I asked the same question with regards to using as streamer only or combo.  I was willing to pay the difference when I called him. I've had mine playing out of the analog outputs since I unpacked it Friday afternoon and it does seem to be improving incrementally and sounds pretty good on it's own. I'm let it keep going until this time next Sunday to see how much more it improves if any.

@jjss49 Curious if you have any updates to share.  I've got the basic version and have compared it to the HiFi Rose 150b as both a stand-alone unit and as a streamer only,  I'm also going to compare it to my Optical Rendu as a streamer and also to my Innuous Zenith MkIII, but probably won't get to those for a couple of weeks.

IMO the HiFi Rose 150b is better than the Eversolo as both a stand-alone and as a streamer only.  For some folks not 5x better, but in my system it just has a more relaxed immersive feel than the Eversolo.  The Eversolo has a nice soundstage (as does the Rose) but the Rose just seems to add more texture within the stage.  It's really noticeable on human voices and on more complex passages that blur a bit on the Eversolo.

The Eversolo probably competes better against the lessor priced HiFi Rose products but the 150b is clearly the winner between these two.