Speaker with Modern Design

I know I will get groans..

But, I am looking for a speaker that has a modern, sleek look with lighter color scheme (grays, whites, light wood, with some blacks ok).

Of course, good sound quality would also be good.. I will be matching it likely with PowerNode.

I am looking for something around 500-1000 USD range and something bookshelf sized or similar.

A tall order, I know...


Dang! I almost bought the powernode. This unit has everything you need. The reviews are only positive until you stumble upon a non audiophile channel on YouTube (Mr Chibs?) stating that the KEF LS50 sound boring with the powernode. Are there any subjective thoughts online which don’t ressemble a sales pitch?

There are surprisingly plenty of options.

Elipson Planet L

Amphion Argon 0

Eclipse TD508MK3

Scandyna Minipods


Any others? I loved the Scanyna Minipods suggestion and have searched for days to purchase it. Impossible to find it in the USA though..

At Axpona I heard the Q Acoustics 5040 speakers just wonderful sound and looks IMO. I believe they come in white as well


These Paradigms are available in black or white and within your budget, and especially if you leave the grills off they look pretty cool with their funky-tech midwoof drivers.  Best of luck. 