Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


I agree with @kota1 and @vonhelmholtz .

Guys, put up or shut up as the saying goes. Just based on some of the responses in this thread, I will know to discount anything you have to say in the future...for whatever reason.

I don’t care if you live in your mom’s basement and only have old, hand-me-down equipment from your late grandfather. I don’t care if you have a system from Best Buy using the cheapest components possible. What I DO care about is your sincerity, willingness to learn new things, and some kind of show of commitment to this hobby.

Too many people on here want everyone else to "take their word for it".


If you’re too ashamed, or too stupid (technically ignorant?), or whatever your lame excuse is to post your system on here, then I really have no need for you to chime in when I have a question or ask for an opinion on mine.


it’s obvious that posting one’s current system doesn’t capture the sum total of one’s experience in the hobby... but i don’t think it can be argued that it can usually provide others with a decent idea of it


I think you are mis-interpreting (at least sincere Audiogoners) the wish that everyone would post their gear. Its not who has the loudest exhaust at Cars & Coffee, its about learning everyone's journey and perhaps learning/informing others. For instance if your system listed a Marantz * and another member is curious about acquiring one, you might be able to help them avoid some of the pitfalls and balancing those with the joy you derive from same. Too many, especially the arrogant ones, believe its about a measuring stick somehow.


Relax, share or dont share your gear, nobody really gives a heck. Those that do however form connections with others and can learn and improve. For instance, if I post something about achieving neutrality and you look at my system, you will know for certain that I can't possibly achieve neutrality with the gear I have. Now, those that have similar gear looking to dial back the warmth might learn from my mistakes.


Again, its a community but the only way to receive the community benefits is to become a part of it rather than a the occasional flyby snarkiness.


I worked in an audio store for two years and worked with and heard hundreds of pieces of equipment in a multitude of configurations including different interconnecting cables, and speaker cables. I’ve worked with professional sound reinforcement equipment and studio recording equipment

And I DJ at the Taj Mahal and designed hand made speakers out of rare earth metals for the Sultan of Brunei. I also made secret headphones once for James Bond himself. Oh, did I take any pics! How DARE you....😂

Put up or shut up please!!

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