Schiit URD CD Transport SOON?

A non-working model of the long rumored Schiit URD CD Transport has started showing at hifi shows. The device was shown in the Schiit Booth at T.H.E Show in California a week or so ago.

Here’s the article:

New photo from the T.H.E. Show display:

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcreativepart

There’s no planned release date. It was on display just for Schiits and giggles. 

The Urd is listed on Schiit's site as of this morning, 7/12/23.

I was considering picking one up, however the list price is $1299, which is $1000 more than I was considering worth spending considering the amount of CD playing I do. It also has many functions related to USB which I personally do not find use for.


There’s no planned release date. It was on display just for Schiits and giggles. 

Any yet, now, it's available for purchase a mere 18-days after your insightful comment.

I wouldn't need the usb feature so it doesn't interest me. It's been in the works for a long time w/ supply chain problems, especially the transport mechanism they use.

I wonder if this product will eventually go the way of their SOL turntable. As a small company, I wonder if mechanical products is their forte.